Tell President Obama: Act now to get secret money out of politics

President Obama speaks boldly about ending the unfair influence that secret money and wealthy donors have over our politics, but he is ignoring his power to do something about it.

In his final State of the Union address, President Obama said we need to act so that "a handful of families or hidden interests can't bankroll our elections." Yet he has failed to act.

President Obama could require all companies that do business with the federal government -- 70 percent of Fortune 100 companies -- disclose their political spending. Issuing this executive order would expose the "dark money," or secret interests, controlling our democracy with their money.

Today is a national call-in day to urge the president to stop talking and take action. Call the White House and tell President Obama "Get dark money out of politics. Issue the executive order today!" Here is the phone number and a sample script:

White House number:

Hello, my name is _____ and I'm calling from _______. Huge corporations cannot continue to buy elections and policies with their money. Our democracy belongs to all of us, not the highest bidders. President Obama, it's time to take action. Sign an executive order - require companies doing business with the federal government to disclose their political spending.
After you hang up, please click here to tell us how your call went.

Together, we’ve gathered more than a million signatures, held dozens of rallies across the country and drawn widespread media attention to what the executive order would mean for our democracy and for Obama’s legacy.

Today is about pushing this fight to the finish.
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