Tell the Biden administration: We demand justice for Ayşenur Eygi

Twenty-six year old American Ayşenur Eygi was shot and killed by Israeli forces while peacefully demonstrating in the occupied West Bank against illegal Israeli settlements.

The Biden administration has called for an investigation by Israeli forces, even as the Israeli military clears its soldiers of wrongdoing in 99% of cases. This is like calling for the fox to guard the henhouse, and it's a tactic the Biden administration continues to use to avoid holding Israel’s government accountable for its human rights abuses and war crimes, including killing U.S. citizens.

The family of Ayşenur Eygi is urging the Biden administration to order an independent investigation and to ensure full accountability for the guilty parties.

Add your name now to join Ayşenur’s family in demanding immediate action by the Biden administration. Tell President Biden: Stop letting Israeli soldiers murder Americans with impunity.

We will not stand by while Israeli forces murder innocent civilians, no matter their citizenship. We will not stop in our demands for the U.S. to stop arming and funding Israel’s ethnic cleansing of Palestinians in the West Bank, Gaza, and East Jerusalem. We will continue pushing back against the racist dehumanization that devalues the lives of Palestinians and those who support Palestinians.