Tell the Maryland State Senate: Pass the Value My Vote Act.

The petition to the Maryland State Senate reads: "Act now to protect the vote for all eligible Marylanders."

In Maryland, those with a felony conviction who are no longer incarcerated can vote — their right was restored in 2016. But overlooked were the tens of thousands of men and women who were still incarcerated, legally eligible to vote but couldn’t.

That’s because, while incarcerated, no government agency is charged with providing them the materials they need to register, request a ballot, or even learn about the issues up for decision. The majority of these Marylanders are Black and Brown, groups that have traditionally been excluded from the voting process, making this issue even more urgent.

It’s time to ensure all eligible Marylanders can vote. Sign our petition and demand that the Maryland Senate pass the Value My Vote Act.

The Value My Vote Act ensures that every eligible Marylander can vote, whether they are behind bars or not. It would create a partnership between the Department of Safety and Correctional Services and the State Board of Elections that would provide incarcerated people with the resources, paperwork, and information necessary to participate in our elections. The bill has already passed the house but has yet to be taken up by the Maryland Senate.

There are just days left before the Maryland legislative session ends, and the Senate has yet to take action on this important bill. Sign our petition and ask the State Senate to pass the Value My Vote Act.

No eligible person should be denied the right to vote, no matter where they are, including people who are incarcerated.

States across the country are scrambling to impose the harshest voting restrictions in the nation, but the Maryland House of Delegates has a different approach — they are actually trying to make the vote more accessible.

Time is running out for the State Senate to do the same. Sign our petition and tell the Maryland Senate to pass the Value My Vote Act now.