Tell the US Government to stop Big Pharma greed!

American taxpayers funded the invention of a highly effective prostate cancer medication, marketed as Xtandi. But because of Big Pharma greed, Americans pay the highest prices in the world when they need that drug―$156,000 per year.

In Japan, the same company manufactures and markets a drug for five times less what it charges Americans―and prices are similar in Canada, the UK, France, Italy, Germany, Spain and Australia.  

The United States government should use its investments in medical research and innovation to benefit all its people, not the shareholders at a few corporations. When drug makers price gouge sick Americans, the United States has a responsibility to end the exclusive patents that give them their profits.

Right now, the Department of Health and Human Services is considering allowing generic manufacturing of Xtandi, which could drop the price of a pill from $400 to $3 overnight. Add your name to stop Big Pharma greed!