Make a call to tell your senators to oppose any bill that guts our health care

Some extremist Republican leaders are working to gather support for the Graham–Cassidy bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act. This bill could be even more disastrous than the one that working people defeated this summer.

Fill out the form, including the number where you can be contacted (using no spaces, dashes or hyphens) to receive a call back and connect with your senators.

After you fill out the form, you’ll get a call at the phone number you provided. Here’s a sample script you can use for your call:

Hi, my name is ______, and I’m a constituent of Senator _________. I’m calling to tell Senator _______ to oppose any effort to take away our health care. Gutting our health care, including making cuts to Medicaid, raising health care costs and taxing workplace benefits, would be a disaster for working people like me. We need a health care plan that expands coverage for everyone, not one that cuts it. Please don’t gut our health care.

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