The Tipping Point: Workplace Psychological Safety Act poised to become law in Rhode Island!

We have what we have been waiting for long enough - MOMENTUM! Get those testimonies out!

The RI House Public Hearing for Workplace Psychological Safety Act has been announced for May, 1, 2024 at 4pm ET. Rhode Island is poised to become the first state in the country to pass workplace anti-abuse legislation! And it's not just up to the legislators. It's up to all of us! Here's a template: RI House Labor Committee  Email it to: prior to the hearing.

Written: We suggest a 2-page limit. Written testimony submitted to the House is considered public and may be accessible on their website and via search engines.

In Person: Rhode Island State House, 82 Smith St. Providence, RI. Wednesday, May 1st, 4pm. House Lounge - State House. Limit testimony to 3 minutes.

Watch the public hearing.

A One-Two Punch:

Update on the RI Senate bill (S2473), the legislation is going to a floor vote in the Senate on Tuesday, April 30th at 4pm ET. Watch the public hearing. We have no doubt that the Workplace Psychological Safety Act (WPSA) will pass as it did last year. That's halfway to the Governor's desk.

This is no time to remain silent! Let's get the WPSA passed! We must ACT IN TANDEM to get this law passed. Standing up to this injustice TOGETHER is what's made the difference. That is our winning strategy: strength in number. Let's put it on the Governor's desk!

Grab a t-shirt to wear that day so we can testify in solidarity.

Watch the public hearing.

Esta primavera habrá una audiencia pública en la Cámara de Representantes del Estado de Rhode Island sobre la Ley de Seguridad Psicológica en el Lugar de Trabajo.

No es necesario vivir en Rhode Island para presentar un testimonio por escrito.

La legislación se introdujo en la legislatura de Rhode Island (S2473), donde ya fue aprobada por el Senado, así como por la legislatura de Massachusetts (H1882). ¡Únase a nuestro cuerpo de defensores!

¡Estamos enfrentando esta injusticia juntos!
Aquí está la primicia: prepare un PDF de su testimonio de 1 o 2 páginas para el Comité Laboral del Senado. Si desea que su testimonio se mantenga privado (solo para el Comité Conjunto), asegúrese de solicitarlo.
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