Join SIM to Testify for Community Control Over Police Surveillance!

WHAT: Our Testimony Party is on Wed April 14th at 7:00 PM in preparation for the SIM Live Hearing to support the Community Control Over Police Surveillance (CCOPS) Ordinance on Sat April 17th at 3:00 PM

WHEN: Testimony Party on Wednesday, April 14th at 7:00 PM- 8:30 PM & SIM's LIVE Facebook Hearing on April 17th at 3:00 PM

WHERE: online via ZOOM (sign up to receive zoom links)

Join us to prepare testimony for the Community Control Over Police Surveillance Ordinance.

Help us fight for these four major pillars

Accountability: It creates a process for public input and City Council approval of all City surveillance technologies and data management policies.

Transparency: It provides Boston residents with the opportunity to understand and weigh in on surveillance decisions that impact them and their communities.

Oversight: City departments using approved surveillance technologies will report back to the Council and the public about how the tech has been used, including their ongoing cost.

Protecting Students from Police Surveillance: BPS will prohibit school officials and school police officers from sharing information about students with the BPD, except in limited circumstances. BPS must be a safe and welcoming place for all students. Students shouldn't fear going to school will result in their information being shared with federal deportation agencies.

The Student Immigrant Movement (SIM) has fought to put in place rules and regulations that would put a cap on dangerous information sharing practices between Boston Public Schools and the Boston Police Department, however, the Boston School Committee and the Boston Superintendent failed to adopt the needed language to end this problem. This is more than a 'school problem'. This is more than just a 'Boston problem. This is more than an 'immigrant problem'. Everyone is impacted by hyper surveillance and lack of transparency between the community and law enforcement. We must act as a community to set a precedence for how we want youth and our families to be treated and cherished in our city. Through the Community Control Over Police Surveillance (CCOPS) Ordinance we have the opportunity to stop secret surveillance that targets our communities in Boston. Join us by signing up to share your support.

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