Thank you for contacting California state senators re: California Values Act

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is the federal agency responsible for immigration enforcement and deportation, but Trump's mass deportation plans rely heavily on local law enforcement to investigate and detain immigrants. California is poised to lead the nation's resistance to Donald Trump's xenophobic agenda by passing the California Values Act.

Under the California Values Act, no state and local resources will be used for immigration enforcement, and schools, hospitals, and courthouses will remain safe spaces for all Californians, regardless of immigration status.

Call California state senators and demand that they support California's immigrants by voting YES for the California Values Act.

Here's a sample script:
Hello. My name is {NAME} calling from {ZIP} in {CITY}. I'm strongly opposed to California state resources being used to deport families. I urge you to vote YES on the California Values Act.
After you hang up, please tell us how your call went.

The California Values Act is unsurprisingly under attack. The California State Sheriffs’ Association stands with Donald Trump. They suggest that making California safe for immigrants is a threat to public safety, leaning on stereotypes of immigrants as criminals. Local sheriffs have also raked in millions renting jails out to be used as ICE detention centers.

Pressure from the sheriffs and the right is weakening support for the California Values Act. In order for it to pass, we need to shore up votes Democratic state senators.

Call your state senator and urge them to stand up for immigrants and vote YES on the California Values Act.

Please take an extra moment to call 2-3 more lawmakers we are targeting for support to make sure this crucial legislation passes.

After you hang up, use the form to the right to tell us how your call(s) went.