Thank you for contacting your Senator re: Opposing Sam Clovis

Thank you for taking the time to write a letter.

The next step is to call your Senators to urge them to oppose the nomination of Sam Clovis for the top scientist position at the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). It only takes a minute or two, and you don't have to debate with anyone or be an expert on the topic.

You can call the U.S. Capitol Switchboard (202) 224-3121 to be connected with the office of one your senators. When someone answers, say this:

"Hi, my name is ___ and I’m calling from ___. I strongly urge you to oppose the nomination of Sam Clovis – a racist and a climate change denier with no background in food or agriculture -- as the Undersecretary for Research, Education and Economics at the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Thank you."

After making your phone call, please use the comment box on the right to report any details about your call.

  • Were you able to get through?
  • Which office did you call?
  • How did the staff respond to your position?
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