Thousands of Doors - Day of Action- Sign Up!

We have a new site! Please use this link to be redirected to the statewide TDJ site where you will find all of the locations and details.
For activists and volunteers who are committed to justice!! Saturday, September 8th - 9:30 am
For Good Jobs-Fair Wages; Access to Quality Public Education; A Vibrant & Fairly Funded Public Sector; Racial, Gender and Immigrant Justice; Disability Rights; Democracy in our State & in Our Work Places; Healthy Communities & Environmental Justice.
We will be knocking on doors, making calls, registering voters, training volunteers and recruiting new activists. We all contribute in the best ways we can & embrace our collective struggle.
Get on the list for updates, locations and actions across the state. RSVP today!
- Action Together CT
- AFT Connecticut
- A&R Union- AFT
- AFSCME Council 4
- Chispa Connecticut
- Common Cause in Connecticut
- Congress of CT Community Colleges
- Connecticut AFL-CIO
- Connecticut Against Gun Violence
- Connecticut Alliance for Retired Americans
- Connectictut Alliance to End Sexual Violence
- Connecticut Citizen Action Group
- Connecticut Citizen Research Group
- Connecticut Education Association
- Connecticut Employees Union Independent
- Connecticut Equality
- Connecticut NOW
- Connecticut State Council SEIU
- Connecticut Students for a Dream
- Connecticut Women's Education and Legal Fund
- Council on American Islamic Relations, Connecticut Chapter
- CT Now
- CT Roundtable on Climate and Jobs
- CT Women's Education and Legal Fund
- CSEA, SEIU Local 2001
- Democracy First
- District 1199/SEIU Healthcare
- Greater Hartford NAACP
- Hartford Pride
- Hartford Rising
- Health Equity Solutions
- HYPE (Helping Young People Evolve)
- Indivisible CT
- Indivisible CT Shoreline
- IRIS-Integrated Refugee & Immigrant Services
- LOCAL Central CT
- LOCAL Northeast
- LOCAL Southeastern
- Moral Monday CT
- NARAL Pro-Choice Connecticut
- National Association of Social Workers CT Chapter
- New Haven People’s Center
- New Haven Pride
- New Haven Rising
- Orange Indivisible
- Planned Parenthood of Southern New England
- Protect Our Care CT
- Social Justice Council, Unitarian Universalist Church, Meriden
- State Employees Bargaining Agent Coalition
- UConn Health Center AAUP
- United Auto Workers Region 9A
- YWCA Sexual Assault Crisis Service
- Western CT Area Labor Federation
- Women Against Mass Incarceration
- Working Families Organization
- Women’s March CT