Dissenters Tidalwave 2024 Registration Form (Chicago, October 25 - 27)

It’s the most magical time of year, Tidalwave! Join us this fall for Dissenters’ annual membership conference, where young people from across the country will convene in Chicago for three days of connecting, learning and taking action to build our movement to defund war and militarism. From October 25 - 27, Dissenters from across the country will arrive in Chicago to strategize about how we can organize young people in the heart of U.S. empire and build our power to wage anti-imperialist campaigns and dismantle the U.S. war machine.

Over the last 11 months, we have witnessed escalated examples of political and war elite's influence on the global stage. While Israel carries out the ongoing genocide of Palestinians, our mandate to take bold action against the war machine and build a movement of millions could not be more clear. The U.S. uses its military and financial power, police, prisons, weapons, walls, soldiers, guns, drones, and media to attack people worldwide and build a world where its political and corporate elites create endless wars for personal power and profit.

It’s up to us to create the future we need—will you join us?

Do you want to submit a workshop for Tidalwave 2024? Send us your proposal at bit.ly/tidalwave24-workshop!

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