Interested in Running for Town Meeting?

One of the most important steps we can take to implement pro-housing reforms to help move Brookline toward the environmentally sustainable, economically thriving, and racially inclusive community we all want to call home is to elect pro-housing candidates to Town Meeting every May. In order to make this happen, we need great candidates who understand that Brookline needs more housing – affordable housing, subsidized housing, income restricted housing, and market rate housing – and the town’s zoning policy needs to allow this housing growth by right.

And we think YOU should be that candidate!

We're going to be hosting a couple of info sessions in the coming weeks on running for Town Meeting - the logistics of getting your name on the ballot, how to campaign in your neighborhoods, how Brookline for Everyone can help, and what being on Town Meeting entails. More details to come. And if a one-on-one conversation is more your speed, we're happy to connect that way as well!

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