Transit Justice Onboarding Form

Please fill out your information on the right. We will be adding languages very soon!

This form is meant to help us reach out to you if we need help or want to workshop ideas. Please select at least one Workstream and one Area of Interest.


Media Public facing graphics, publications/writing, tweets, website content
Research Background info, data
Electoral & Lobbying  Writing bills, platforms, and policies; liaising with representatives
Field & Canvassing Tabling, surveys, door hanging, town halls, 1-on-1s

Areas of Interest

MTA Fares, financing, operations, policing, governance
Accessibility & disability Any mode!
Climate & energy policy Green New Deal, transportation-related policy/bills
Labor & worker rights TWU, ATU, gig & delivery workers
Bikes & Micromobility eBikes, bikes, scooters
Public space Green space, open streets, sidewalks, infrastructure
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