Before it's too late, let's make government work for all the People!

Your Voice Matters

TruRep is leading the fight for

With ALL Citizens having both

True Representation and Equal Justice

Citizens not yet 18 and those who didn't vote still deserve Representation.

Want to help take back our government and make it work for "We the People?"

Join our TruRep Movement!

TruRep Candidates are committed to restoring the True Representation & Equal Justice that everyone of their constituents deserve.

Because the top priority of a "True Representative" is to honestly represent the will of their district, unimpeded by outside influence, it is imperative that they run as "Un-Affiliated Independent Candidates," NOT beholden to Big Money Donors, Corporate Lobbyists, nor any Political Party.  Additionally, since your needs and opinions matter to them, their office will always be open and accessible to YOU. Simply use the link below to schedule a call with their office.

Jolicia Ward leading the way to a more perfect Union

Our Nation’s Founding Fathers dreamed of a country run by it's Citizens, not by a ruling class nor political elites. They wanted a government of, by, and for “We the People."

The framers of our constitution knew the most important part of our new Representative Democracy was it's “House of Representatives. Yes, our country would have a leader. A President who would administer the government, but it would be "We the People" who would decide it's course. Not a house of "Governors, Leaders, or even Intellectuals" who could provide grand solutions for lowly subjects. Instead, our Nation was to be directed by a body of True Representatives where every citizen would be ensured a Voice in government. For over 150 years, as directed by our Founding Fathers, this House consisted of ...

1 Representative for every 30,000 Citizens

Where we are now ...

Since the 1920's, our say in government has slowly dwindled to less than 4 percent of what the Founding Fathers instructed.

Today, each Congressman represents over 750,000 Citizens

To be a True Representative for so many people, TruRep believes constituents deserve a better way of being heard. That's why we are launching a special program to empower the People of your Congressional District.

It's a simple idea to make sure your TruRep will know how you would like them to vote on upcoming congressional legislation. Unlike in the past, you'll never have to spend time writing or calling your representative, only to wonder if it made a difference. If you want to make sure your opinion is heard, simply sign up to receive TruRep Advisory Group emails. These notification emails will explain upcoming congressional legislation on those issues you choose to receive. You'll also receive a secure voting link, so you can anonymously indicate what you'd like your TruRep to do on actual congressional legislation. With the final results of all Advisory Group voting published online to hold whoever is elected accountable.

Your guaranteed way to be Heard

Unlike other candidates, TruRep™ candidates believe you should never have to compete with Corporate Lobbyists and Out of State Donors for the ear of your own representative! Their job is to be the messenger of your voice in government. They are running to serve you, not the highest bidder like most other candidates. These Advisory Groups are for the Constituents of your district only.

Please note that TruRep™ is not advocating for everyone to participate in a form of "Direct Democracy." We understand that people's lives are busy. For this reason our TruRep™ candidates are committed to traveling the district to learn the needs and opinions of those who live in their district. What these advisory groups do offer, however, is an opportunity for those seriously wanting a voice in government to make sure they are heard.

Civics Engagement made Quick & Easy

  1. Your Advisory Group email will notify you about any upcoming congressional legislation on those issues you care about.
  2. This email will give you some background info about the legislation and online resources to learn more.
  3. If you want to let your True-Rep know how you'd like them to vote, simply use the secure personal voting link included in your email. Done!

Vote processing and tabulation will be handled by a trusted independent firm such as Opti-Vote. Thus, through the anonymous voting of concerned constituents like yourself, the public will always be able to see exactly how those in the district who spoke up wanted their elected representative to vote.

Notification of only those Issues important to you

There are 10 Advisory Groups you can join. One for each category of possible Congressional legislation. Choose to get updates on only those issues that matter to you.

We hope you are as excited as we are about the opportunity Congressional Advisory Groups give us all to participate in how our country is being run. Your Voice is Important to your TruRep. Let's show the rest of our great nation how to have a Truly Representative Government in the 21st Century!

Use the form on this page to join a Congressional Advisory Group today!

Isn't it about time our Government starts working for "We the People" again?

NOTE: Once or twice a month (depending on proposed legislation - starting in Nov. 2024), group members will receive an email containing a voting link so they can cast "Yea," "Nay," or abstain on actual legislation coming up before Congress. ALL voting will be anonymous. Any information collected will only be used for administering these Congressional Advisory Groups. Personal information will NEVER be shared with any other groups or individuals. Final numerical results of all voting will be available to the public.

Here's a link to learn more about the American Anti-Corruption Act.

To find out more about your TruRep, go to their LinkedIn page.

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