UAW Big Three Strike

UAW Local 2250 in Wentzville has been selected as one of only three worksites in the country to begin the strike against the Big Three! And we will be there every step of the way to support workers in this historic strike!

It is unclear how long this strike will last but we are anticipating being in it for the long haul. We are going to be coordinating people and supplies to bring to the picket line in Wentzville. Once you sign up you'll be added to a Google Sheet with shifts where you can sign-up for when you'd like to attend and we'll be adding shifts on a weekly basis for the next two weeks. If you'd like to carpool you'll be contacted by a member of the Labor Committee to coordinate ridesharing. All picket shifts will kick off at the Local 2250 hall at 1395 E Pearce Blvd in Wentzville.

If you'd like to get more involved in picket logistics and strike support planning please reach out to the Labor Committee at Solidarity forever!