UNITE HERE's Community Take Back 2020 Phonebank

Hello Unite Here Community!

We’re building a phone canvassing operation in Georgia to elect Rev. Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff to the Senate! As COVID cases soar nationally and our workplaces shut down again, workers urgently need real economic relief and healthcare reform.

Securing the presidency for Biden/Harris was a powerful first step; but if we want to win a Senate majority that can pass transformative legislation for working people, we need to win both Georgia Senate seats in January.

We are asking our UNITE HERE Take Back 2020 Phonebank team to help back up our canvassers on the ground, just like the team backed up the ground operations in Florida, Nevada and Pennsylvania for the November election.

If you need to make any changes after you've signed up for shifts, please use this form: https://unitehere.jotform.com/202685368994877

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