Urgent: they’re coming for net neutrality sooner than we thought.
Attend a town hall meeting this week to tell your lawmakers to defend the free and open Internet.
The FCC just held a closed door meeting with lobbyists from Big Cable, and now they’re moving fast to slash net neutrality and open the flood gates for fast lanes and slow lanes, throttling, and censorship.
Members of Congress are in their home districts this week, and many are hosting town hall meetings where constituents can ask questions and speak directly to their Senators and Representatives.
Speaking up for net neutrality at one of these events is perhaps the single most effective thing you can do RIGHT NOW to fight back against Comcast, Verizon, and AT&T’s attack on the basic net neutrality protections that keep the Internet awesome.
Sign up and we’ll send you a list of all the town hall meetings happening this week, along with talking points and some helpful instructions for speaking to your lawmakers.
You can also search for meetings and other events with lawmakers in your area here.
Can’t attend a town hall this week? Click here to request a meeting with your lawmakers.