Pledge your solidarity with Striking Steelworkers at Special Metals

On October 1, more than 400 members of USW Local 40 went out on an Unfair Labor Practice Strike against Special Metals.

These skilled workers showed up throughout the pandemic, ensuring continued production of critical supplies needed for national defense, aerospace and energy production.

In return for their hard work, Special Metals which is part of a massive global company, sought to cut workers’ wages and benefits and take away critical seniority and safety protections.

We won't let the company's unfair labor practices break our solidarity!

This Huntington, WV, nickel alloys facility is the largest of its type in the world. While all industries were impacted by the pandemic, business at this site picked up and is going strong.

These essential workers deserve a fair contract that honors their skill, sacrifice and seniority!

Sign our solidarity pledge if you agree our USW siblings deserves a fair contract!

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