Volunteer with FairVote WI

We need help educating citizens about electoral reform and bringing ranked choice voting to Wisconsin. You can contribute a lot or a little, depending on the time and talents you have to give. We have three levels at which you can get involved - read about them below, and sign up on the right

  • Leader - You want to plan and lead others with the rest of the leadership group. You could build materials for others to use, help create overall strategy, and or help maintain the website and social media account(s).
  • Presenter - You want to spread our message to other organizations and individuals across the state. You will visit those other groups, educate them on our mission and gain their commitment.
  • Active Crew Member - You want to take on larger projects. You might want to run ranked choice voting events, write an op ed, or get your local government to write a pro-RCV resolution.
  • Weekly Action Taker - You want to take the simple actions we post weekly. Examples could include reaching out to your legislators, sharing a post on Facebook, or educating yourself, friends, and family.

Finally, don't hesitate to reach out to info@fairvotewi.org if you have specific ideas for ways you want to get involved.

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