
On November 8, Missourians will vote on Amendment 6- a statewide amendment that would weaken our constitutional right to vote, impacting Black communities across the state.

  • Add your name to the pledge form on this page, and VOTE NO on amendment 6 on election day.
  • Follow our campaign influencer, Kayla Reed, on Twitter for updates on the campaign, trainings, and events (including a #BlackVoteBrunch on October 29th you don't want to miss.)
  • Follow #DontTouchMyVote and #NoOn6. Retweet and share campaign graphics, videos and content on your social media accounts.
  • Attend a #DontTouchMyVote campaign event and invite friends! (Check back for more information on events, coming to this page soon.)

This is About Our Power...

The power we've built through our protest and organizing has not gone unnoticed. From Ferguson to Baton Rouge, our voices have been heard, our tears have been felt, and our fists have been seen as we rise up and demand our freedom. The movement for black lives has proven it won't back down. But on November 8, Amendment 6 could undermine the power we've worked long and hard to build.

If we don't make it to the polls to vote NO on Amendment 6, we could lose the right to vote in future elections altogether. That means too many of us won't have a say on who makes the decisions, both national and local. If we don't vote NO on Amendment 6 in this election, we could lose our say on what happens in our very own communities.

There's still time to make a difference. Sign up to join the campaign and get shareable #DontTouchMyVote content right to your inbox.

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