Walk Out to End Gender Inequity


In light of the recent attacks on the civil liberties of our employees, the employee-led Committee Against Sex and Gender Discrimination has scheduled a walk out action on the anniversary of our first walkout, July 21st. We are calling for protection of several communities of marginalized workers. Women and lgbtq+ communities are actively facing legislation that is already putting our coworkers and their families at risk, with other vulnerable groups on the horizon. We think it's a good time to remind upper management that we believe strongly about ensuring their safety. The proposed demands focus on the protections of ABK employees from external threats like the recent overturn of Roe V. Wade, and internal threats such as retaliation and harassment while in the workplace.

  1. All ABK employees must have the option to choose fully remote work. For positions which are impossible to operate outside of a physical office (such as facilities), employees must have the option to relocate to an office in a safe state or country.
  2. All ABK Employees currently residing in locations passing discriminatory legislation must be offered relocation assistance to a safe state or country. Stipends for out of state medical care currently leaves employees open to legal prosecution and does not remove workers from imminent danger.
  3. ABK must provide Cost of Living adjustments to the compensation of employees who relocate to a safe state or country to avoid discriminatory legislation. This will ensure that comparably higher costs of living in safe locations does not prevent employees from taking advantage of these relocation measures.
  4. ABK must ensure that our health insurance partner continues to cover transgender and reproductive healthcare, including abortion. For employees that must travel to receive this life saving healthcare, ABK must cover ALL travel expenses. This will ensure that these procedures are affordable and logistically possible regardless of their location.
  5. Management must immediately and transparently enact plans to allow relocation from locations which are passing anti-abortion, anti lgbtq+, or any other demonstrably discriminatory legislation. This and our above demands will ensure that no worker must compromise their safety for their livelihood.
  6. Employees must be included in the audit/report requested by shareholders to make sure that our sexual harassment audit was conducted fairly and exhaustively. This will ensure that our employees are protected and supported in the case of future harassment.
  7. ABK leadership must agree to hold regular meetings with members of the worker led Committee Against Sex and Gender Discrimination. This will ensure an open dialogue between employees and management to foster a safer and more welcoming workplace.
  8. ABK must sign a labor-neutrality agreement like Microsoft did, so we can all freely organize a union now and bargain things like this in a legally binding contract.

Please use the sign up form to sign up for this Walkout!

In Solidarity,