We The People Will Defend the Vote and Uphold Democracy: A Call to Nonviolent Resistance from Black Faith Leaders and Allies

We believe in an America where everyone counts. No matter our race, ethnicity, accent, income, or zip code. We reject hate and stand for democracy. We are mobilizing massive voter turnout to defeat Trump. And if Trump attempts to cheat or steal his way out of losing, we will mobilize massive nonviolent resistance to ensure that every vote is counted, and that the power of the people to choose our elected representatives is protected.
We call on Americans from all walks of life to unite to uphold democracy. We call on everyone to act: urban and rural, white, Black, and Brown, Democrats, Republicans, and independents. We will need elders, children and young people, the disabled, immigrants, essential workers — we will need everyone who chooses democracy to join together in sustained nonviolent action to uphold it.
Hopefully the candidate who loses the election will accept the result. But if he does not, we cannot acquiesce to a coup. We will not accept an illegitimate government.
How could we stop it though? An illegitimate government cannot govern if we the people withdraw our consent. As people in countries around the world and our own have proven, when we refuse to cooperate with business as usual in great numbers the people can force the institutions that depend on our obedience to respect our will. We will need many different tactics — protests, occupations of state capitals, strikes — but fundamentally it will all require unity, courage, preparation, and discipline.
In particular, a shared commitment to strategic nonviolence is critically important for keeping each other safe, inviting broad participation, and winning popular sympathy and support — all of which are essential to stopping a coup and upholding our democracy.
From the uprising in Argentina that stopped a military coup in 1987 to last year’s democratic revolution in Sudan, nonviolent resistance worldwide has proven to be more than twice as successful as violence in challenging oppressive governments, and much more likely to result in durable democracy. In other words, it is a winning strategy against authoritarians like Trump.
Violence is the terrain that Trump and the armed extreme right wing want to fight on. We will not give them what they want. We will fight for democracy and the rights guaranteed under the Constitution using the power Trump fears most: widespread, inclusive, disciplined nonviolent resistance.
He cannot stop millions of us acting together. If our democracy is threatened, We the People will nonviolently shut down our country until it is restored.
As we prepare for this moment of danger and uncertainty, we can draw strength from these words from the last essay of one of our nation’s most courageous fighters for democracy, John Lewis: “Ordinary people with extraordinary vision can redeem the soul of America by getting in what I call good trouble, necessary trouble.”
Join us. Sign the pledge to join in nonviolent resistance to defend the vote and uphold democracy.
(organizations and affiliations listed for identification only)
Black Faith Leaders
Rev. Stephen A. Green Chair, Faith for Black Lives
Rev. Dr. Dominique A. Robinson Dean, Wiley College
Rev. Erica N. Williams Founder, Set It Off Ministries
Rev. Cornell William Brooks 18th NAACP Pres. & CEO and Professor, Harvard Kennedy School
Rev. Dr. Iva E. Carruthers Samuel DeWitt Proctor Conference
Rev. James Lawson Civil Rights Activist
Rev. Dr. Frederick Douglass Haynes, III Senior Pastor, Friendship West Baptist Church
Bishop Yvette Flunder Presiding Prelate, The Fellowship of Affirming Ministries
Rev. Dr. Willie Francois Mt. Zion Baptist, Pleasantville, NJ
Pastor Jamal Bryant New Birth Cathedral, Atlanta, GA
Bishop Michael L. Mitchell President, AME Council of Bishops
Bishop Carolyn Tyler Guidry Retired AME
Bishop Reginald T. Jackson AME Bishop, 6th Episcopal District
Bishop John Richard Bryant Retired Senior Bishop, AME Church
Bishop Marvin Frank Thomas Sr Bishop, 2nd Episcopal District, CME Church
Dr. Teresa Fry Brown Professor, Activist
Rev Erika D. Crawford, DMIN President, AME Women in Ministry
Bishop John Selders Co-Founder, Moral Mondays Connecticut
Rev. Gary Bernard Williams Pastor of Saint Mark United Methodist Church
Lisa Sharon Harper President and Founder, Freedom Road
Rev. Eddie Anderson Senior Pastor,McCarty Memorial Christian Church Los Angeles ; Activist
Pastor Gabby Cudjoe Wilkes Pastor/Strategist, Double Love Experience, Brooklyn, NY
Rev. Andrew Wilkes Pastor Double Love Experience, Brooklyn, NY
Rev. Dr. Danielle L. Brown Cathedral International, New Jersey
Rev. Dr. Lisa M. Goods Sr. Pastor, Shiloh Baptist Church, Cleveland
Rev. Dr. Krystal Sears Senior Pastor Greater St Luke AME Church, Charleston, SC
Elder Marissa Farrow Greater Allen AME Cathedral of New York
Rev. Brianna Parker CEO, Faith Leader, Data Activist
Pastor Timothy Findley, Jr. Pastor & Founder, Justice & Freedom Coalition
Rev. Shanika Perry Clergy & Advocate
Rev. Joseph Robbins Founder, Sanford Community Freedom Coalition
Rev. Francine Brookins Pastor, Beth-el AME, Fontana, CA
Rev. Teresa Galloway Clark Pastor, Stover Chapel AME Church
Rev. Alfonso Campbell Minister, Washington, DC
Rev. Devon Jerome Crawford Staff Director, The William Monroe Trotter Collaborative for Social Justice
Rev. Caffie J Risher Clergy, Good Mourning Ministry
Martinique Mix International President AME Church Richard Allen Young Adult Council
Rev. Cassius L. Rudolph Minister, Saints’ Memorial Christian Church
Rev. Ernest Brooks Minister, Activist
Activist Allies
Tamika D. Mallory Co-Founder, Until Freedom
Linda Sarsour Executive Director, MPower Change, Co-Founder, Until Freedom
Erika Andiola Chief Advocacy Officer, RAICES
Opal Tometi Founder, Diaspora Rising & Co-Founder, Black Lives Matter
Coby Owens Youth Caucus of America
Paulina Gonzalez-Brito Executive Director, California Reinvestment Coalition
Renaldo Pearson Chief Diversity Officer & Director of External Affairs, Represent.Us
Noam Chomsky Author & Activist
Bill McKibben Founder, 350.org
Dr. Wes Bellamy Our Black Party
Sal Rosseli President, National Union of Healthcare Workers
Kazu Haga Founder, East Point Peace Academy
Daniel Hunter Founder, Choose Democracy
Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove Author & Moral Activist
Erica Chenoweth Author
Carlos Saavedra Ayni Institute & Co-Founder, Momentum
Michelle Seyler Executive Director, Clergy and Laity United for Economic Justice
Rabbi Dr. Stephen J. Einstein Founding Rabbi Emeritus, Congregation B’nai Tzedek
Father Aidan McAleenan Pastor, St. Columba Catholic Church
Shakeel Syed Board Member, Clergy and Laity United for Economic Justice (CLUE)
Dani Moscovitch Co-Founder, IfNotNow
Doyle Canning Co-Founder, Center for Story-Based Strategy
Jodie Evans Co-Founder CODEPINK
Tamara Toles O’Laughlin Advocate for People & Planet
Emily Mayer Founder, IfNotNow
Jeremiah Chapman Black Culture Weekly
Waikinya Clanton Former Executive Director, National Organization of Black Elected Legislative Women Stephen Roach Knight Transform Network
Maria Stephan Author
Valarie Kaur Author, Activist & Founder of the Revolutionary Love Project
Tanyah Barnes Board Member, Black Millennial Convention
Lea Webb Black Millennial Convention
Nalleli Cobo Environmental Justice Leader
Kai Newkirk Founder, For All
Shani Smith Black Cornerstones, Founder & Nonviolent Action Strategist
Tay Anderson Denver School Board Director
Representative Jewell Jones Michigan State Legislator, 11th District
Kerri Kelly Founder, CTZNWELL
Sarah Jacobson Organizer, UNITE HERE
Taj James Full Spectrum Capital Partners & Movement Strategy Center
Rev. Dr. Alexia Salvatierra Author & Professor, Fuller Seminary
Lissy Romanow Executive Director, Momentum
Kimi Lee Director, Bay Rising
Betty Hung Civil Rights Attorney & Nonviolence Practitioner
Jeremiah Chapman Black Culture Weekly
Victor Narro Immigrant Rights Activist and Movement Chaplain
Tim Hernández Activist-Educator
Mary Stancavage Co-Founder & Teacher, Meditation Coalition
Dave Gibbons Founder, NEWSONG & Activist
Rev. Samuel Pullen Pastor, Community Congregational United Church of Christ of Los Alamitos
Rev Paula Maiorano Unitarian Universalists of Southern Delaware
Richard Parker Faculty, Harvard University; Co-Founder, Mother Jones
Join us and sign the pledge!