We want to hear from YOU!

Can you believe we have been doing this for several months already?!  We want to check in with our members and see how you are feeling.  Are you up for continuing our Resist Trump Tuesdays at our Senator's offices each week?  Do you want us to keep going after the 100 days and do them every week, every other week, once a month or not at all?

Is there a topic you would like us to cover that we haven't already? Or one you would like us to cover more?

Do you have any comments or suggestions for us?

Finally we realize our group is very diverse! We would like to get a better feel for the issues that might impact our group most! Do we have a lot of Union workers? Hospitality workers? Medical professionals? Teachers? Retirees? Stay at home parents?  These answers can help us pick topics that impact our members directly.

Please let us know how we can best represent you!

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