We Won & We Still Have Work To Do - Join Us to #Fight4TheSouth

The people won! We put in the work. We knocked on doors and called our neighbors. We helped get the vote out in Georgia and beyond. Thanks to all that work, president Trump will soon leave the White House.

At the same time, millions of southerners and white folks cast ballots to re-elect Trump. Even though he lost his reelection bid, the division he's sewn will continue. Unless we organize for the long-haul, we won't overcome those devisions. Our families and neighbors deserve so much more than what we were offered the past four years.

Billionaires have raked in wealth. Working southerners are poorer and worse off than before. The federal government's response to the pandemic has forced millions to make unnecessary hard choices. Our neighbors choose between their lives and their livelihoods. Our jobs or our health. Racist violence keeps growing.

Both major parties are beholden to their big dollar donors. These party insiders don't look out for us. They ignore our suffering. They've ignored poor and working class people and people of color for too long. But we can change this.

We change this by organizing in our communities. To come up with a plan that will win meaningful change for our people. Southerners never back down from a fight. This is our fight.

We invite our neighbors across the south to build a movement that feeds our souls and spirits. Whether a Democrat or a Republican is in office, we have to keep fighting to win the world we deserve. That's the only way we've ever successfully transformed the south and won the things we all need. Now is the time to build, should-to-shoulder, for the south we can win if we work together.

Can we count on you to help us build a home-grown southern movement for the long haul?

We organize working folks in majority-white southern communities. We invest in rural areas and small towns. That's where we're from. That's where we fight. We know how to engage and win over those who are on the fence. And we’re going to need them if we want true and lasting change. We played a part in reaching out to Georgia voters. We know there is more work to do.

Can we count on you to help grow a southern movement rooted in justice and love? We know this is the only path to win a future where we all thrive, whether white, Black, or Brown.
We are calling all y'all to #Fight4TheSouth and win lasting change for our towns.

Sign up with us! You can count on me to build with my neighbors, repair what's been broken, and take action to win the things all our families & neighbors deserve. If we want meaningful jobs, a nice living, and affordable housing, we got to fight alongside each other. I'm signing up to #Fight4theSouth and win!

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