Week of Basic Income Events
Celebrate our progress, and get inspired!
The week leading up to the Basic Income March, Income Movement is hosting a series of virtual events designed to take stock of the amazing progress we have made in our fight for basic income and inspire and excite the community to show up in a big way in for the Basic Income Marches across the country on September 25th.
Community Conversations: September 20th, 4pm PT / 7pm ET
- Zoom Registration Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_rGmt_7dKT0u-JuWTrPWyhw
Fireside Chats: September 23, 3pm PT / 6pm ET
- Zoom Registration Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_8__TMzdPRb-FFKGce5eQXA
Community Conversations: September 20th, 4pm PT / 7pm ET
Communities across the country are working to grow basic income support and advocacy in their neighborhoods, local social justice organizations and elected officials. Local basic income pilots are an opportunity to engage in deeper conversations around important ideas like deservedness, an individual worth being tied to their "work", and more. Join a conversation with Moving Nashville Forward to get inspired by one city's work in guaranteed basic income.
Fireside Chats: September 23, 3pm PT / 6pm ET
What better way to celebrate our amazing progress this year than to hear from the people who have made it happen! This will be a series of interviews with key leaders in policy, grassroots organizing, coalition building, national event design and thought leadership as they talk about what inspired them in their work in 2021. Get inspired by those jumping head-first into basic income advocacy and policy.
These events are part of Basic Income Week with Income Movement and will culminate with the Basic Income March that is will take place on September 25 in 30+ cities worldwide! Learn more and find your closest March at https://www.basicincomemarch.com/