A Million Moms Strong - Take the Pledge
What happens when one million moms take action?
By adding your name and contact info, you are joining us in this pledge:
"We value each other's commitment to creating a better world for our children. We have each other's backs because we believe in the dignity of life and the safety of future generations. We know we won't agree on all things all the time, but together we pledge to build a caring economy that honors the work of motherhood and caregiving.
Our Mission
We believe that when moms thrive, we all thrive.
By centering the leadership, skills, and talents of moms, we are building a community of maternal support that mobilizes to pass federal and local policies that support families and create economic security.
Our Vision
We envision a world where motherhood is honored in homes, in communities, and in our society. By honoring motherhood, we believe that our society will come together in unity so that all people live fulfilled lives and all families thrive.
A Million Moms Strong
To get to our vision of a million moms moving a bold family agenda, can you help make this happen by
inviting three mom friends
to take the pledge?
Just add their names where the form asks for them and we'll follow up with you to see how it's going.
We're very excited to do this with you.
** Please note that if you identify as a mother, mama, grandmother, aunt, caregiver, parent, mentor, or advocate for children, then join us in Mother Forward. We are inclusive and excited to build with anyone and all who see themselves as mothering in a new world .**