White Rose Campaign


We demand that the Jewish Establishment take clear, moral action in this moment of crisis -- and come out publicly against the appointment of Stephen Bannon as chief strategist in the Trump Administration.

IfNotNow has been leading our community from the streets, building the grassroots #JewishResistance, and urging the American Jewish Establishment to publicly join our call to have Trump #FireBannon -- to do what is right not only by us Jews, but by the majority of this country and all those who are vulnerable in this moment.

Over the past two weeks, the thousands of Jews who have taken action have been met by silence at best, and by institutions calling the police and ordering physical violence against us at worst. Meanwhile, our institutions are busy rallying their support for legislation which criminalizes anyone who criticizes israel

Now is not the time for “wait and see.” Now is the time for action. Now is the time for leadership. Over the next two weeks, we will arrive at the doorstep of the Jewish establishment to urge them to join the #JewishResistance.


IfNotNow is calling on Jews in every corner of the country -- in small and big cities, on university campuses, and in towns -- to bring at least 18 white roses to their nearest Jewish institution, with the demand that they act as the the moral leaders our community needs and condemn Stephen Bannon before it's too late.

The white rose holds resonance for us as Jews -- it was used by students from the University of Munich as a symbol of nonviolent resistance to the Nazi regime.

It is our turn, in 2016, to claim the symbol of the white rose as our own -- to demonstrate our resistance to state-sponsored hate that targets us as Jews as well as Muslims, women, People of Color, immigrants, and people with disabilities. We are using this symbol to call on the Jewish establishment to honor the legacy of our people by protecting us and others endangered in this moment.

You can go to any of these institutions and leave your roses:

  • Jewish Federations offices
  • AIPAC offices
  • Jewish Community Relations Counsel offices
  • Jewish Council for Public Affairs offices
  • Hillel Local or International buildings

Here is the Action Planning Guide to help you get the action together.

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