Will you join the Green Party of NJ in opposing the South Jersey Gas Pipeline?

   Stand with The Green Party of New Jersey  in opposition to the new gas pipeline project proposed by South Jersey Gas. This pipeline would run 22 miles through protected areas of the Pinelands National Reserve in sensitive forest areas in Cumberland, Atlantic, and Cape May Counties. The Green Party calls on the Pinelands Commission to do its job, protect the Pinelands from damaging and unnecessary development. We will deliver this petition with your comments to The Pinelands Commission at the public meeting which is being held on Tuesday January 24th .

 This meeting will be your last chance to make your voice heard about this dangerous project which could be devastating to this unique and protected ecosystem. Powerful interests are trying to push this project through for temporary profit.  We need to call out the politicians who support this including: Steve Sweeney, Jeff Van Drew, Vince Mazzeo, Sam Fiocchi, Bob Andrzejczak, Frank Formica, and Joe Derella.

Act Now! Tell the Pinelands Commission you feel this pipeline is

      · A Violation. The Pinelands Commission’s comprehensive management plan states that any development must serve only the needs of those residing in The Pinelands. This project was rejected by the commission 3 years ago, because a pipeline to transport gas from Pennsylvania to Beasley’s Point does not serve any needs of the region. Nothing has changed, so approving this now would violate the directives the commission operates under.

   · A Threat. This pipeline would cut through protected forests and wetlands which are home to numerous plant and animal species, some of which are found nowhere else on the planet. The aquifers in this region supply fresh drinking water to over 1 million people.  This natural gas is taken from the earth by fracking and its use and emits greenhouse gases which contribute to catastrophic climate change.

     · A Danger. Recent pipeline leaks and explosions illustrate that no pipeline is fool proof. People have been injured or killed and property has been damaged in serious pipeline explosions. In addition to cutting through protected areas this pipeline would also run under roads and communities where people live and work every day.

Form by
Heather Warburton
Hammonton, New Jersey