Win As One: Register Interest
We can deploy all the democratic theory, facts and figures we want – but the stark and obvious truth is that if the planet continues to burn and if the poor continue to get relatively poorer, by definition; democracy isn’t working.
We can and we must do so much better.
We need a new political system; one that encourages cooperation, hears every voice, counts every vote, puts power in the hands of people and communities and enables us all to work together to build a good society - a new politics that we both need and are demanding.
But progressives are divided.
We can’t go on splitting the vote, but neither can we go on backing candidates who won’t change the system.
Ahead of, at and after the next election we need a powerful movement for real change - one that says to every candidate and MP; the more you commit to a new politics, and in particular proportional representation, the more activism, resources and votes you will get. A progressive pitch invasion where people are mobilised effectively to maximise the chances of a new government committed to change.
That is the movement we are building. A movement to Win As One. Join.