Women Ditch Mitch – Names & Addresses

If you have been directed to this form it's because the organization you are apart of has teamed up with Women’s March Action in taking on Mitch McConnell and ditching him in 2020

Kentucky Women must know McConnells record before they cast a vote for him this November –
Mitch McConnell has been a disaster for the country but worse for the Women of Kentucky.

How you ask?

The campaign & strategy will consist of postcard writing, text banking & phone banking ALL in an effort to DITCH MITCH!

Postcard writing is the first step to reaching voters between now and November. This Women Ditch Mitch campaign will start with postcard writing to the 2.2 million women in Kentucky.

Step #1: Your organization has ordered postcards in bulk to write on, that's great! Coordinate with your group to get the correct number of postcards from them.

Step #2: Fill out this form to request the names and addresses that will be used to address the postcards you have! (Be sure to confirm how many you will be receiving from your group or organization before you fill out this form!)

Step #3: You will be sent an email that includes:

  • Detailed instructions
  • Script
  • Voter List (names and mailing addresses)

*this usually arrive within a week

Step #4: Address your postcards, add postage (you will need to provide...thank you for your generosity!) and mail them out.

Sending postcards has proven results: studies have shown that voters who receive a personal postcard in the mail are more likely to vote. It’s also an easy and fast way you can take action right from your home and help increase voter turnout across the country.

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