Wrapper Demonstration form: NOT LIVE

SPECIAL NOTE: If you indicate your organization or company is endorsing the Clean Cars and Clean Air Act, please ensure the name of your organization or company is filled in.

Historic challenges demand bold solutions. The air quality in California has become among the worst in the world, posing a hazard to public health and ruining the quality of life in every region of the state. What’s more, every year, our state experiences more record-setting wildfires and droughts that cost lives, destroy property, hurt our economy and damage California’s iconic natural beauty.

That’s why Clean Air California is supporting a ballot initiative for November 2022 that would provide an ongoing, long-term investment to:

  1. Fight and prevent wildfires
  2. Expand electric and zero-emission vehicle charging infrastructure
  3. Provide subsidies to consumers and organizations to make EVs and ZEVs more affordable

All Californians deserve clean air.

Thank you for your support!

* Elected Titles will be listed for identification purposes only

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