Write a Letter to Costco's CEO
Costco is selling meat produced by major meat companies that are deforesting the Amazon Rainforest, polluting waterways across the United States, and contributing to climate change. Industrial meat production ranks among the most environmentally damaging industries on the planet, posing major risks to our climate, water, and public health. Industrial meat production consumes 80% of global agricultural land and 30% of global freshwater, and is responsible for around a fifth of greenhouse gas emissions. Cargill is one of the largest meat producers in the world, and has a long track record of environmental destruction and human rights abuses, from destruction of tropical forests and indigenous communities across Latin America to water pollution and soil erosion causing a massive Dead Zone in the Gulf of Mexico.
Write a letter to Costco's CEO, Craig Jelinek, explaining why it is important to you that Costco stops selling meat produced by Cargill.
Disclaimer: We are asking for your street address so we can mail your letter on your behalf, with the correct return address. Mighty Earth will not use your address for any other purpose than mailing this letter.