Yes! I'm ready to help build a People's Assembly in Allegheny County.

Carl Redwood's Independent campaign for Allegheny County Council wasn't just a campaign to win an election. Carl was always running to use the campaign to build power for the poor and working class through the campaign itself as well, and even though we fell short of victory in the election, the plan remains to now begin moving toward using the connections we made through the campaign to build a working class, anticapitalist People's Assembly.

The people of Allegheny County need organization of, by, and for the poor and working class with anticapitalist principles, independent of the major political parties. We don't have all the details yet on what that looks like, but we know it'll take organizing, conversation with our neighbors, collective decision making, and collective action.

We will be moving slower in the coming weeks as we rest from the campaign, and there'll be some work and planning to pull things together! So we might not have updates til the new year, but we wanted to share updates on what's next now, and give people the chance to let us know they want to hear the updates when we've got them or to express interest in helping with the work to be done in the meantime.

Fill out this form to let us know that you'd like to get updates on the People's Assembly as we have them, and let us know if you're interested in helping with the work to bring people together in making the Assembly possibly.

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