Volunteer with Yes on 4!
The Driving Families Forward Coalition is now the Vote YES On 4 for Safer Roads campaign!
Our campaign will be Question 4 on the statewide ballot on Tuesday, November 8th, 2022, and we’re going to ensure Massachusetts voters vote YES on 4 for safer roads for all drivers. It’s a commonsense law that makes our roads safer for everyone, while letting families legally make essential trips, like dropping off kids at school and getting to work, medical appointments, and the grocery store.
Join the YES on 4 for Safer Roads campaign and sign up to take action to keep the law in place for safer roads, greater public safety, and work and family mobility. Sign up to volunteer with us - whether it's canvassing or phonebanking, every conversation matters and we need YOUR help to win on November 8th!
For a list of our upcoming volunteer opportunities, please visit https://actionnetwork.org/groups/driving-families-forward and sign yourself up for a shift!
Want to volunteer a different way? Email info@saferroadsma.com and get involved with Yes on 4!