If you prefer to send your donation via mail, send checks to:
Wyoming Promise / P.O Box 511 / Laramie, WY / 82073
Wyoming Promise's mission is to call for a 28th amendment to the U.S. Constitution that would overturn Citizens United vs. FEC through a statewide ballot initiative. We believe campaign finance reform is the only way we the people–not corporations, not special interests, not unions–can bring back democracy and govern ourselves.
However, achieving that mission means putting on events, hosting signature drives, and traveling around the state, all of which creates high costs for our grassroots organization. By contributing to Wyoming Promise, you are helping us continue the fight for campaign finance reform right here in Wyoming by directly funding our effort to successfully complete a ballot initiative calling for an amendment.
Will you help us bring reclaim democracy in Wyoming?
Wyoming Promise is a Political Action Committee (to end all Political Action Committees). Contributions to Wyoming Promise are not tax deductible.