$3705.00 Amount Raised
Only $26295.00 more until our goal of $30000.00

Donate and support the 40+ families who are fighting slumlord Tom Botz in court! This fundraiser will fund costs to legally defend the FAMILIA against evictions. You can also venmo @hsvta_defense.
We are the Hillside Villa Tenants Association and we have been fighting to keep our homes affordable since 2018. When the affordability covenant on our building expired, slumlord Tom Botz tripled our rent. We started our tenants association to fight back these deeply unjust rent increases, which are eviction notices in disguise.
In May, 2022, the City Council voted unanimously to buy our building to keep it permanently affordable. Since then, very progress have been made. We are still here five years later, and we are not going anywhere!
You can also sign up to join our organizing here. Along with 50 other tenants associations, non-profits, and elected officials who support our fight, we are continuing to put pressure on the City to use Eminent Domain and preserve 124 units of affordable housing!