As of January 1, 2018, following more than a decade of work by campaign partners, New York State now has the most robust Paid Family Leave Insurance (PFLI) law in the country. But, the fight for stronger protections for vulnerable New York workers is not over.
We've been hard at work to ensure that workers know their rights and can use the new PFLI law to bond with a new child, care for a seriously ill loved one, or make accommodations when a family member is called to active military service abroad without fear of losing their job or their income.
Every dollar raised will go to support the mission of the New York Paid Leave Coalition: to promote sensible workplace policy change in New York to build greater economic security for working families, particularly those most vulnerable. This includes launching a partnership program with Bellevue Hospital’s Prenatal Clinic, building the grassroots movement for Paid Sick Days statewide, and continuing education efforts for New York’s new Paid Family Leave Law.