We have a plan. No Red Button will conduct provocative grassroots actions, rapid response media outreach, produce and disseminate op-eds, viral videos, info-graphics, social share graphics and other digital assets. By mobilizing our nationwide network of organizers and activists for demonstrations and media stunts, No Red Button will shed light on the threat posed by Trump's finger on the button.
Your donations can help us scale. We need funds to fuel this campaign. Your donations will go straight towards funding coffee for an award winning "Ocean's 11" media team (former Adbusters, 350.org, and others top notch crew members) , gas money for following Trump around the country with an inflatable nuke, and supporting campus organizers around the country.
Trump + nukes = worst nightmare ever.
Trump has his finger on the red button. Unfortunately, we can't change that. What we can change is the dialogue around the nuclear monarchy and #NoRedButton is poised to make the pivotal difference. Since we're taking on the President of the United States, we'll need to take this campaign into top gear - so we're asking for all the help we can get. Even raising a few thousand will greatly accelerate this work. Thank you!