The struggle to stop tar sands mining in Utah is gaining serious momentum. As we build grassroots power, the company US Oil sands and their publicly-funded yes-men in Utah state and county government are getting worried and are reacting with volatile and repressive harassment.
On June 11, ten participants of Utah Tar Sands Resistance’s family camp out on the Tavaputs Plateau, including parents and a science teacher from Salt Lake City, were arrested after conducting biodiversity studies close to the country’s first tar sands mine.
This comes as we prepare for the upcoming "Heal the Land, Work for our Future: A Mine Reclamation Action" June 17-19. We will not be intimidated by the threatening actions of law enforcement at the Family Campout, but we do need your support to continue our work.
All donations will go directly to the legal fund of the Tavaputs Action Council and will be used to support legal expenses of those arrested at the Family Campout nature walk as well as potential legal expenses that may result from the upcoming reclamation action. Thank you for your support!