Why dues?
Raising money through dues is the best way to ensure that our organization is accountable to its members. The more our finances come directly from our members, the more confident we can be that this organization belongs solely to us and is responsive to our interests.
Dues also ensure that we, as MWA members, are committed to MWA’s mission. We chose to be a part of this organization because we believe in the value of its work. By joining MWA, we are not merely signing an online petition or casting a ballot on election day — we belong to an organization that we create—and own—together.
What is the MWA Dues Policy?
In the summer of 2021, MWA members voted overwhelmingly to support a membership dues policy whereby regular MWA members pay $5 or more/month. Those suffering financial hardship are encouraged to pay what they can, at minimum $1/month. Financial hardship dues status shall be on the honor system. No one unable to pay full dues will be denied membership in MWA. Voting on key organizational issues and election of officers will be open to dues-paying members (including those paying at lower rates due to financial hardship).
We also have a Pay it Forward option, where members pay over the suggested amount, to support other members who are unable to pay full membership dues.
Suggested Dues: $5/month or $60/year
Financial Hardship: $1-5/month
Pay It Forward Suggested Amount: $10/month or $120/year
If you would prefer to make a one time annual payment instead, you can do so here: https://actionnetwork.org/fundraising/membership-dues-for-mwa-annual-version/