139 Contributions
Only 61 more until our goal of 200
Being a sustaining member of Indivisible Berks means sharing ownership and responsibility for our future.
We ask that you contribute a minimum of $10/month. A limited number of scholarships are available for those unable to pay.
Sustaining members are polled on strategic questions, have access to exclusive content, and get swell, conversation-starting premiums like "liberty & justice for all" bumper stickers, pocket Constitutions, and Indivisible Berks tote bags.
Choose the amount and frequency that works for you -- monthly, quarterly or annually. If you prefer not to use this online form, please mail your check payable to INDIVISIBLE BERKS to
2669 Shillington Road, Suite 408
Sinking Spring PA 19608
Your contribution benefits Indivisible Berks, a 501c4 organization dedicated to making sure government works for all of us, not just the privileged few.