$6055.00 Amount Raised
Only $445.00 more until our goal of $6500.00

URGENT: Secretary Deb Haaland is coming to Idaho next week! This is our best chance to appeal to her to protect Northern Rocky wolves!
Springtime should be the best time of year for wolves. They should be snug in their dens caring for their new pups that are born only in April. But the State of Idaho is eradicating wolves using traps, neck snares, aerial gunning of whole packs, and even supporting the killing of nursing pups and mothers in their dens for bounties of thousands of dollars paid to wolf killers across the state. This is not hunting: it is a brutal, cruel, and inhumane abuse of the state’s power over one of nature’s most persecuted species.
Interior Secretary Haaland can stop this killing immediately under her authority to emergency list wolves under federal protection. But getting her attention has proven nearly impossible as she is so heavily insulated from public concerns. Her trip to Idaho next week is our best chance to appeal to her directly to stop the slaughter of wolves and institute an emergency relisting. A thousand wolves have already died waiting for her to act. This decision can save the last remaining wolves before they are eradicated from the state.
IWCN has created two full-page powerful ads to run statewide during her visit. The cost is expensive, but the wolves need her support. Will you help chip in to help publish these ads?