We Belong Together brings women together from all walks of life to stand up for policies that protect and value immigrant women and families. Together we are ensuring that women's voices are at the forefront of a diverse national movement to stand up against hate, protect our communities and win immigration relief for millions of undocumented women and families.
This work has been truly transformative — for those of us who risked arrest in front of Congress, fasted for 48 hours, or walked 100 miles to bring our message of welcoming to Pope Francis. Our work has been driven by love for one another, for our children — and love for who and what our nation must become.
Together, we can win essential protections for immigrant women and children. But we need your support. Please give today!
Donations to We Belong Together are fully tax-deductible. To contribute by check, please make your check payable to National Domestic Workers Alliance and mail to:
Attn: We Belong Together
National Domestic Workers Alliance
243 5th Avenue, Mailbox #257
New York, NY 10016