Guess what? It's our birthday! And SURJ Toronto is turning 4!
So, how are we celebrating our birthday? In true SURJTO fashion, we celebrate by raising some money! We believe that moving money is one way to shift power and the unequal distribution of resources from white communities to Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour (BIPOC) communities and community members.
Through financially supporting BIPOC-led groups, educational workshops, protest and activism support, co-hosting phone zaps, we will continue organizing white folks to fight for racial Justice. Help us continue our work by donating today.
The SURJ Toronto Birthday Campaign will run from December 1 - 31, 2020. At most, 10% of the money raised will go to internal costs and 90% of funds raised will go directly to BIPOC-led groups throughout 2021.
This year we have a new feature of accepting monthly donors. And so if it's possible for you, we hope you can make a one-year commitment and contribute monthly so that we can continue our work in a sustainable way.