$5,000 Goal for Supplies
On June 9th the Oakland Peace Center is having our annual Work Day event. Our dream for Work Day 2018 is having 75-100 volunteers cleaning, gardening, hammering, and painting throughout our building. For us, the most important aspect of the event isn't just getting the work done; but bringing people together to build community by having conversations with one another while doing meaningful tactile work. Our 12 in-house partners do amazing work in the Bay Area and they truly deserve a space where they can provide support services to people in our community. We want Work Day to happen. But, in order to have the best work day possible we need to raise $5,000 by June 9th to provide the proper supplies, equipment, and food for the event. Consider supporting to make this day of community and beautification a reality. Also if you are interested in volunteering for Work Day please email tia@oaklandpeacecenter.org. Thanks so much for acknowledging the importance of building community in the Bay Area.