1199 In House Staff United

We, 1199SEIU UHWE In House Staff, proudly announce that we are forming our union. We believe deeply that our mission of unions for all, dignity, respect, and a democratic voice on the job applies to all workers, including ourselves.

In this spirit, we, staff from every department and region across 1199, have made the historic decision to form our 1199 In House Staff Union with the Washington Baltimore News Guild (WBNG), TNG-CWA Local 32035, who share our values of economic and racial justice, and democracy at work.

Since its founding, 1199 has been dedicated to promoting these very principles. At its core, our work is about ensuring that every single healthcare worker has a seat at the decision-making table and the power to uplift the communities in their care. Our staff union is our way of bringing our values home, to ensure a brighter future for 1199. Practicing workplace democracy in our own house will help us to better organize, uplift, and empower our members to win.

United, we can make sure that everyone who works at 1199 feels heard, supported, and empowered, that we are all fairly compensated and our benefits are protected in a contract, that we have a voice in the decisions that affect our work and wellbeing, and to grow our capacity to support 1199 members in our fight for quality care and good jobs for all.

We call upon our leadership to listen, live our values, and respect our right to organize. Ain’t no stopping us now!

Our Actions

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