2018 - Ezra Nanes for PA Senate 34

Ezra, a working dad and husband of a working mom, with two young children in our public school system, is running for State Senate in Pennsylvania’s 34th District. Ezra will make sure that our state government is working for all of its people the way it should. He will fight for on-time state budgets that secure public funding for education and critical programs like CHIP, Medicare and Medicaid. Ezra will work hard to bring good, family-sustaining jobs to our towns, so that working men and women have a chance to live the lives they hope for. We need good jobs in our towns so that young adults don’t have to leave the district to find opportunity.

Ezra will be a strong and bold representative for the residents of Centre, Mifflin, Juniata and Huntingdon counties.

It’s going to take a lot of hard work from all of us to get him there, and we need your passion and enthusiasm to make it happen.

If you want to make sure that Ezra gets elected, please click “DONATE” above to contribute, or join us by signing up to volunteer with the campaign.

Thank you! We look forward to working for you!!

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