Baltimore City Green Party

Baltimore, MD

Welcome to the Baltimore City Green Party

We are preparing the 2022 election season. Complete the email sign-up above to get the latest updates on our activity.

The Baltimore City Green Party (BGP) is committed to economic, environmental, and racial justice for Baltimore and beyond. Our goal is to challenge the one-party rule in Baltimore City by giving voters a legitimate choice that represents the values and aspirations of the people and communities of the city.

We follow the 10 Key Values of the Green Party of the United States and we use them to guide our work in Baltimore City. We are committed to grassroots democracy as a goal and organizing principle, and believe that the power to change the city comes from the people.

The Baltimore Green Party was formed in 2000. The party has since run candidates in every city election, frequently winning more votes than the city's Republican Party. The Green Party is one of four parties qualified to nominate candidates for public office in Baltimore.

The Green Party accepts financial support only from individuals and refuses any contributions from political action committees (PAC), labor unions, or corporations.

For more insight, be sure to read the Baltimore City Green Party Bylaws.

Building Racial & Gender Justice - pictures of baltimore city green party members

Clean Water Action endorses Franca Muller Paz for Baltimore City Council District 12. A vote for Franca Muller Paz is a vote for clean water, clean air, and healthy communities.

Peace on the streets image with group photo of baltimore city green party members

Image: Creating Healthy and Livable communities with picture of Baltimore City Green Party Candidates

Our Actions

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