Boston Immigration Justice Accompaniment Network (BIJAN)

Saugus, MA

We are a network of faith communities, individuals and other activist groups working to reduce the escalating harm of our immigration system in the current political context.

We work closely with immigration justice and abolitionist organizations to support those impacted by our racist immigration system.

We provide accompaniment, which can include support in court or at ICE check-ins, legal referrals, fundraising for bond or legal fees, letters of support from the community, rides for families to visit loved ones in detention, and logistical assistance with paperwork or bond payments. We also help with housing, transportation, and other immediate needs of people released on bond who have no other resources in the community.

As an accompaniment network, we take action only in response to requests from those in need of support, or their representatives (family, attorneys, etc.) We don’t make promises, but we are good at trying very hard. These are our values in this work:

  • We honor people's dignity and choices in a system that denies dignity and choice.

  • We expect messiness, confusion, and discomfort, and we also choose courage and trust.

  • We judge the system, not people.

  • We fight for one another as family, because we are.

Our Actions

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