Central Vermont Community Radio Supporters


Central Vermont community radio (CVCR) is the new non-profit managing the independent Vermont community radio station of WGDR, Plainfield/WGDH, Hardwick. The station provides a forum for cultivating social justice, stewardship of the natural world, and the independent arts.

Through the presentation of diverse music; cultural, news, and public affairs programming and production, CVCR intends to continue to provide the residents of Central & Northern Vermont (and beyond) the unique opportunity to hear programs developed by local community members; that advocate for the natural world, that advocate for and educate others about underrepresented and disaffected peoples, that provide a forum for community building and that provide a safe space for fostering cultural literacy. This type of programming is not available elsewhere to residents of the listening area.

Until full transition, stau up to date with our station at CentralVermontCommunityRadio.org and listen at WGDR.org.

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